Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
makiNG ComPariSoNS

Here are several variations in this pattern. They differ in the order of the phrases. In all of them,
[action verb + object] occurs before [action verb 得 de], and AV occurs at the end of the sentence.

Variation 1

NP 1 [action verb + object] [action verb 得] 比 NP 2 AV
NP 1 [action verb + object] [action verb de] bǐ NP 2 AV
NP 1 performs the action verb more AV than NP 2

Tā chī fàn chī de bǐ wǒ duō.
He eats more food than me

Dìdi xiě zì xiě de bǐ mèimei kuài.
Younger brother writes characters faster than younger sister.

Variation 2

object, NP 1 [action verb 得] 比 NP 2 AV
object, NP 1 [action verb de] bǐ NP 2 AV
As for the object, NP 1 performs the action verb more AV than NP 2

Zhōngguó zì, dìdi xiě de bǐ mèimei kuài.
As for Chinese characters, younger brother writes them faster than younger sister.

Variation 3

NP 1 + object [action verb 得] 比 NP 2 AV
NP 1 + object [action verb de] bǐ NP 2 AV
NP 1 performs the action verb more AV than NP 2

Dìdi de Zhōngguó zì, xiě de bǐ mèimei kuài.
Younger brother’s Chinese characters, (he) writes them faster than younger sister.
Be careful to repeat the verb if you include the object of the verb.

Say this Not this

他吃饭吃得比我多。 *他吃饭得比我多。
他吃飯吃得比我多。 他吃飯得比我多。
Tā chī fàn chī de bǐ wǒ duō. Tā chī fàn de bǐ wǒ duō.
He eats more than I do.

弟弟写字写得比妹妹快。 *弟弟写字得比妹妹快。
弟弟寫字寫得比妹妹快。 弟弟寫字得比妹妹快。
Dìdi xiě zì xiě de bǐ mèimei kuài. Dìdi xiě zì de bǐ mèimei kuài.
Younger brother writes faster than younger sister.

C31.1.1, 33.1.6

33.4 Less than

The following patterns indicate the relationship of ‘less than.’
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