Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Comparative degree

Mèimei xiě zì xiěde méi yǒu dìdi (nàme) kuài.
Younger sister doesn’t write characters as fast as younger brother.

Variation 2
object, NP 1 [action verb 得] 没有/沒有 NP 2 (那么/那麼) AV
object, NP 1 [action verb de] méi yǒu NP 2 (nàme) AV
As for the object, NP 1 does not perform the action verb as AV as NP 2

Zhōngguó zì, mèimei xiě de méi yǒu dìdi nàme kuài.
(As for) Chinese characters, younger sister doesn’t write them as fast as
younger brother.

Be careful to repeat the action verb if you include its object.
Say this Not this

我没有他吃饭吃得多。 *我没有他吃饭得多。
我沒有他吃飯吃得多。 我沒有他吃飯得多。
Wǒ méi yǒu tā chī fàn chī de duō. Wǒ méi yǒu tā chī fàn de duō.
I do not eat as much as he does.

妹妹没有弟弟写字写得(那么)快。 *妹妹没有弟弟写字得(那么)快。
妹妹沒有弟弟寫字寫得(那麼)快。 妹妹沒有弟弟寫字得(那麼)快。
Mèimei méi yǒu dìdi xiě zì xiě de
(nàme) kuài.

Mèimei méi yǒu dìdi xiě zì de
(nàme) kuài.
Younger sister doesn’t write as fast as younger brother.

C31.1.2, 33.1.6, 33.3.5

33.5 Comparative degree

To indicate the comparative form in Mandarin, place the intensifier 更 gèng or the expression
还(要)/還(要) hái (yào) before the stative verb or adjectival verb.

Gēge xǐhuan kàn diànyǐng. Mèimei gèng xǐhuan.
Older brother likes to watch movies. Younger sister likes to even more.

日本车很贵。德国车更贵。( AV )
Rìběn chē hěn guì. Déguó chē gèng guì.
Japanese cars are very expensive. German cars are even more expensive.

日本车很贵。德国车还(要)贵。( AV )
Rìběn chē hěn guì. Déguó chē hái (yào) guì.
Japanese cars are very expensive. German cars are even more expensive.

更 gèng and 还要/還要 hái yào may be used in 比 bǐ comparison sentences.

Déguó chē bǐ Rìběn chē gèng guì.
German cars are even more expensive than Japanese cars.
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