Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
talkiNG aBoUt the PreSeNt

34.2 Using 在 zài and 正在 zhèngzài to indicate ongoing actions

in present time

在 zài or 正在 zhèngzài can occur before action verbs that have duration to indicate that the
action is ongoing at the present time.

Gēgē zài dǎ qiú.
Elder brother is playing ball.

Tā zhèngzài xǐ zǎo, bù néng jiē diànhuà.
He’s bathing right now (and) can’t get the phone.


在 zài and 正在 zhèngzài are only used when talking about actions. they are not used when the main
verb of the sentence is an adjectival verb, a stative verb, or a modal verb. 现在/現在 xiànzài ‘now’ can
be used when talking about states or actions that occur in the present time.

Say this Not this

汽油现在贵了。(AV) *汽油正在贵了。
汽油現在貴了。 汽油正在貴了。
Qìyóu xiànzài guì le. Qìyóu zhèngzài guì le.
Gasoline is expensive now.

他现在很高兴。(AV) *他正在很高兴。
他現在很高興。 他正在很高興。
Tā xiànzài hěn gāoxìng. Tā zhèngzài hěn gāoxìng.
He is happy right now.

她现在喜欢那个男的。(SV) *她正在喜欢那个男的。
她現在喜歡那個男的。 她正在喜歡那個男的。
Tā xiànzài xǐhuan nàge nán de. Tā zhèngzài xǐhuan nàge nán de.
She likes that boy now.
C13.4.1, 17.2, 39.2

34.3 Using the final particle 呢 ne to indicate ongoing situations

in present time

The final particle 呢 ne may be used at the end of a sentence when an action is ongoing in the
present time. 呢 ne often co-occurs with 在 zài and 正在 zhèngzài.

Tā tiào wǔ ne.
He is dancing.

Nǐ zài xiǎng shénme ne?
What are you thinking?

Tāmen zhèng zài kāi huì ne.
They are having a meeting now.
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