Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
talkiNG aBoUt the PreSeNt

34.5 Indicating present time by context

Time expressions are optional when the context makes it clear that the sentence refers to
a present time situation. For example, in the following conversation, 现在/現在 xiànzài ‘now’
can be included, but it is not necessary, because the question and response clearly refer to the
present time.

妈妈:你(现在)做什么功课? 孩子:我(现在)做数学。
媽媽:你(現在)做甚麼功課? 孩子:我(現在)做數學。
Māma: Nǐ (xiànzài) zuò shénme gōngkè? Háizi: Wǒ (xiànzài) zuò shùxué.
Mom: What homework are you doing (now)? Child: I am doing math (now).

34.6 Negation in present time situations

Present time situations are negated with 不 bù, with one exception: the verb 有 yǒu is always
negated with 没 méi.

他今天不来上课。 我没有钱。
他今天不來上課。 我沒有錢。
Tā jīntiān bù lái shàng kè. Wǒ méi yǒu qián.
He is not coming to class today. I don’t have money.

C11.6, 27.1

Action verbs may be negated with 没/沒 méi or 没有/沒有 méi yǒu, but when so negated,
they do not refer to present time. Instead, they indicate that the action did not happen in
the past.

Nǐ wèi shénme méi lái shàng kè?
Why didn’t you come to class?

C13.3, 17.1, 37.3

34.7 talking about actions that begin in the past and

continue to the present

To indicate that an action began in the past and continues to the present, end the sentence with
sentence final 了 le. If the verb is followed by an object or a duration expression, the sentence
will have two instances of 了 le, one following the verb, and the other at the end of the sentence.
Sentences like these are sometimes described as having ‘double 了 le.’ Sentence final 了 le is
sometimes described as indicating the ‘present relevance’ of the situation.


Wǒ kàn le liǎng běn shū le.
I’ve read two books (so far).

Tā zài Měiguó zhù le shínián le.
He has lived in America for ten years (and is still there).
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