Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
iNdiCatiNG ComPletioN aNd talkiNG aBoUt the PaSt

去年 qùnián last year
前年 qiánnián the year before last


37.8.1 adverbs that refer to past time

Adverbs that refer to past time may be used with action verbs, stative verbs, or adjectival verbs.
When the verb is a stative verb or adjectival verb, an adverb may be the only marker of past
time. Here are the most common adverbs that refer to past time.
以前 yǐqián ‘before, previously, in the past’

我以前在外国住了几年。(action verb)
Wǒ yǐqián zài wàiguó zhù le jǐnián.
I previously lived abroad for a few years.

小英以前是大明的女朋友。(stative verb)
Xiǎoyīng yǐqián shì Dàmíng de nǚ péngyou.
Xiaoying used to be Daming’s girlfriend.

我以前很喜欢他。(stative verb)
Wǒ yǐqián hěn xǐhuan tā.
I used to like him a lot.

汽油以前很便宜。(adjectival verb)
Qìyóu yǐqián hěn piányi.
In the past, gasoline was cheap.

过去/過去 guòqù ‘in the past’

他过去是英文老师。(stative verb)
Tā guòqù shì Yīngwén lǎoshī.
He used to be an English teacher.

从前/從前 cóngqián ‘previously’

中国从前有很多人不识字。(stative verb)
Zhōngguó cóngqián yǒu hěn duō rén bù shí zì.
In the past, China had a lot of people who were illiterate.

These adverbs may also be used when talking about situations that customarily occurred in
the past.

Wǒ cóngqián tiāntiān qù gōngyuán sànbù.
I used to take a walk in the park every day.

Wǒ guòqù měi nián dōu dài háizi dào hǎibiān qù wán.
In the past, every year I used to take the children to the beach to play.

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