Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

38 Talking about change, new situations, and changing situations

Mandarin has a number of ways to indicate that a situation represents a change from the past
or that it is in the process of change. 38.1 and 38.3 present grammatical patterns that are used
to talk about change. 38.4 presents words that are used to talk about change.

38.1 Indicating that a situation represents a change

To indicate that a situation represents a change, add the particle 了 le to the end of the sentence
that describes the situation. We refer to this use of 了 le as ‘sentence final 了 le.’ Here are
the most common types of change associated with sentence final 了 le. Notice that in English
this sense of change is sometimes expressed with the word ‘become’ (verb) or (verb) ‘now’ or
‘gotten’ (verb).

38.1.1 New information for the addressee

Tāmen dìng hūn le!
They have become engaged!
Wǒ yǒu liǎng gè háizi le.
I have two children now (and this is information that is new for you).

38.1.2 Change of state

When the main verb of a sentence is a stative verb, sentence final 了 le indicates a change
of state.

Dōngxi dōu guì le.
Things have become expensive.
Tā yǒu nǚ péngyou le.
He has a girlfriend now. (He didn’t have one before.)
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