Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
talkiNG aBoUt ChaNGe, NeW SitUatioNS, aNd ChaNGiNG SitUatioNS

38.1.3 actions that continue into the future: double 了 le sentences

Sentence final 了 le can be used with the perfective aspect suffix 了 le to signal that a certain
portion of an action is complete but that the action is continuing into the future. Sentences like
these are sometimes described as having ‘double 了 le,’ and the function of the sentence final
了 le is sometimes described as indicating the ‘present relevance’ of the situation.

Tā yǐjing shuì le shí gè zhōngtóu le.
He has already slept for ten hours.

38.1.4 Situations that do not exist anymore

To indicate that a situation does not exist anymore, add sentence final 了 le to the end of
a negated sentence:

negated sentence + sentence final 了 le
Tā bù chī ròu le.
She doesn’t eat meat anymore.

Tàiyáng chūlái le. Bù lěng le.
The sun has come out. (It) isn’t cold anymore.

38.1.5 imminent occurrences and imminent change

Sentence final 了 le can be used to indicate that a situation will happen soon. Often, an adverb or
adverbial phrase such as 快 kuài, 快要 kuài yào, or 就要 jiù yào occurs before the [prepositional
phrase +] verb phrase to emphasize the fact that the situation will happen soon.

Wǒmen kuài dào le.
We will be arriving soon.

Wǒ kuài yào zuòwán le.
I’m just about done.

38.2 Comparing sentences with and without sentence final 了 le

Notice how sentence final 了 le changes the meaning of the sentence. Without sentence final
了 le, the sentence is a description of a situation. With sentence final 了 le, the sentence focuses
on a change.

No sentence final 了 le Sentence final 了 le

我会看中文报。 我会看中文报了。
我會看中文報。 我會看中文報了。
Wǒ huì kàn Zhōngwén bào. Wǒ huì kàn Zhōngwén bào le.
I can read Chinese newspapers. I can read Chinese newspapers now.
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