Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

40 expressing additional information

Mandarin uses the following expressions to provide additional information.

40.1 也 yG ‘also’

也 yě is an adverb and is always followed by a [prepositional phrase +] verb or verb phrase.
也 yě can be used to introduce additional information about the subject of the sentence.
Zhāng Měilì xué Yīngwén. Tā yě xué Rìwén.
Zhang Meili studies English. She also studies Japanese.
也 yě can be used to indicate that two different subjects share similar characteristics or perform
the same action.
Zhāng Měilì hěn gāo. Tā mèimei yě hěn gāo.
Zhang Meili is very tall. Her younger sister is also very tall.
Zhāng Měilì xué Yīngwén. Tā mèimei yě xué Yīngwén.
Zhang Meili studies English. Her younger sister also studies English.

40.2 还/還 hái ‘in addition, also’

还/還 hái is an adverb and is always followed by a [prepositional phrase +] verb or verb phrase.
还/還 hái overlaps in meaning with 也 yě, but they are not identical in function. 也 yě introduces
any kind of new information. 还/還 hái only introduces new actions or situations.
还/還 hái can be used to introduce additional actions performed by the subject.
Tā yào xué Zhōngwén, hái yào xué Rìwén.
He wants to study Chinese, (and) he also wants to study Japanese.
Tā mǎi le yī tiáo kùzi, hái mǎi le yī jiàn chènshān.
He bought a pair of slacks, and in addition he bought a shirt.
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