Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
exPreSSiNG additioNal iNFormatioN

40.7 和 hé and 跟 gBn ‘and’

和 hé and 跟 gēn are conjunctions, and they are identical in meaning. They join nouns or noun

Gēge hé dìdi dōu hěn xiàng bàba.
Older brother and younger brother both resemble Dad.
For more on these and related conjunctions, see


跟 gēn is also a preposition.
C 14

40.8 不但... 而且... bùdàn... érqiG... ‘not only... but also.. .’

This expression introduces related information about a subject. 不但 bùdàn and 而且 érqiě are
always followed by a [prepositional phrase +] verb or verb phrase or clause.

Nàge fànguǎn, bùdàn cài hǎo chī, érqiě fúwù yě hěn hǎo.
(As for) that restaurant, not only is the food good, but so is the service.
(lit. ‘That restaurant, not only is the food good, but the service is also good.’)
不但 bùdàn can occur without 而且 érqiě. In the following examples, it occurs with the adverbs
还/還 hái and 也 yě.

Hāfó dàxué bùdàn lùqǔ le tā, hái gěi le tā yī bǐ hěn dà de jiǎngxuéjīn.
Harvard University not only admitted him but also gave him a big scholarship.
Nàge fànguǎn, bùdàn cài hǎo chī, fúwù yě hěn hǎo.
(As for) that restaurant, not only is the food good, so is the service.

40.9 又 又 yòu yòu ‘both and .’

This expression is used to indicate two similar properties about a subject. Each instance of
又 yòu must be followed by an adjectival verb.

Zhōngguó lí, yòu tián yòu cuì, tèbié hǎo chī.
Chinese pears (are) both sweet and crisp. (They are) especially delicious.
C10.8, 37.5, 43.4

40.10 除了... 以外 chúle... yHwài ‘besides.. .’

This expression can be used to introduce additional information or it can be used to introduce
an exception. When it introduces additional information, the additional information is always
related in meaning to the phrase that occurs between 除了 chúle and 以外 yǐwài.
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