Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

41 expressing contrast

41.1 Expressing contrast with paired connecting words

Mandarin uses the following paired connecting words to express contrast.

虽然... 可是or 虽然... 但是or 虽然... 不过
雖然... 可是 雖然... 但是 雖然... 不過
suīrán... kěshì suīrán... dànshì suīrán... bùguò
although... but although... but although... however

可是 kěshì and 但是 dànshì are identical in meaning and are interchangeable. 不过/不過 bùguò
conveys a slightly stronger sense of contrariness to expectation.
The Chinese connecting words occur at the beginning of their clauses or right before the
predicate. Both members of the pair can occur in the same sentence. Although English permits
only a single contrast connector in a sentence, in order to best illustrate the usage of the Mandarin
words, the English translations in this section translate each connector in the Mandarin sentences.

Suīrán tā shì Zhōngguó rén, kěshì tā hái xǐhuan chī Rìběn cài.
Although he is Chinese, but he still likes to eat Japanese food.

Suīrán tā shì Zhōngguó rén, dànshì tā méi qùguo Běijīng.
Although he is Chinese, but he has never been to Beijing.

Suīrán tā hěn yǒu qián, kěshì wǒ hái bù yuànyi jiàgěi tā.
Although he has a lot of money, but I’m still not willing to marry him.

41.1.1 the placement of connecting words

If the subjects of the two clauses are identical in reference and the second one is not omitted,
虽然/雖然 suīrán typically occurs before the subject.

Suīrán wǒ gēge yǐjing sānshí suì le, dànshì tā hái méi jiéhūn.
Although my older brother is already 30 years old, but he still hasn’t married.

When subjects of the two clauses in contrast sentences are identical in reference, the second
one is sometimes omitted. When this is the case, the connecting word 虽然/雖然 suīrán
typically occurs after the subject of the first clause.
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