Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
adverbs that indicate contrast

Wǒ gēge suīrán yǐjing sānshí suì le kěshì hái méi jiéhūn.
Although my older brother is already 30 years old, but (he) still hasn’t married.

41.1.2 relative order of the clauses in contrast sentences

The position of the clauses is fixed. The 虽然/雖然 suīrán clause comes first. The 可是 kěshì,
但是 dànshì, or 不过/不過 bùguò clause comes second.
Say this Not this

虽然他认识很多人, *(可是)他没有很好的朋友,
可是他没有很好的朋友。 虽然他认识很多人。
雖然他認識很多人, (可是)他沒有很好的朋友,
可是他沒有很好的朋友。 雖然他認識很多人。
Suīrán tā rènshi hěn duō rén, kěshì
tā méi yǒu hěn hǎo de péngyou.

(Kěshì) tā méi yǒu hěn hǎo de péngyou,
suīrán tā rènshi hěn duō rén.
Although he knows a lot of people,
he doesn’t have any very good friends.

虽然他很小不过他胆子很大。 *他胆子很大虽然他很小。
雖然他很小不過他膽子很大。 他膽子很大雖然他很小。
Suīrán tā hěn xiǎo bùguò tā dǎnzi hěn dà. Tā dǎnzi hěn dà suīrán tā hěn xiǎo.
Although he is little, he is very brave
(his courage is big).

41.1.3 omission of the connecting words

虽然/雖然 suīrán can be freely omitted:

Tā hěn yǒu qián, kěshì wǒ hái bù yuànyi jiàgěi tā.
He has a lot of money, but I’m still not willing to marry him.
可是 kěshì, 但是 dànshì, or 不過 bùguò can be omitted when the second clause contains
the adverb 还/還 hái or an adverb that indicates contrast. Adverbs that indicate contrast are
presented in 41.2.

Suīrán tā hěn yǒu qián, wǒ hái bù yuànyi jiàgěi tā.
Although he has a lot of money, I’m still not willing to marry him.

41.2 Adverbs that indicate contrast

41.2.1 adverbs that must occur before the [prepositional phrase +] verb or
verb phrase
却 què ‘in contrast’

却 què may occur with other contrast connectors.

Suīrán tā hěn yǒu qián, kěshì wǒ què bù yuànyi jiàgěi tā.
Although he is rich, I am not willing to marry him.
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