Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
expressing the relationship ‘after’ in a single sentence

  • In Mandarin, the clause that ends with 以前 yǐqián must come first in the sentence. In
    English, the order of the clauses in the ‘before’ sentence is not fixed. Either can come first
    in the sentence. Compare the following sentences.

Good English Good Mandarin

Before Mom went to work
she ate breakfast.



Māma shàng bān yǐqián chī le zǎofàn.

Good English Bad Mandarin

Mom ate breakfast before
she went to work.



Māma chī le zǎofàn shàng bān yǐqián.

42.2 Expressing the relationship ‘after’ in a single sentence

In Mandarin, the relationship of ‘after’ is expressed using some combination of the word
以后/以後 yǐhòu ‘after,’ perfective 了 le, and adverbs, usually 就 jiù or 才 cái.

These markers of sequence can occur together in a single sentence to express the relationship
of sequence, or they can occur independently.

Native speakers of Mandarin differ in their preference for the use of these markers of sequence.

C6.9, 37.2, 42.2.2

42.2.1 indicating sequence with 以后/以後 yHhòu ‘after’

以后/以後 yǐhòu ‘after’ is used to express the following relationship: ‘after an event occurs,
another event occurs.’

event 1 以后/以後 yǐhòu, event 2
after event 1 , event 2

Wǒmen chī le fàn yǐhòu, jiù qù kàn diànyǐng.
After we eat, we will go to a movie.

Wǒ xià le kè yǐhòu, jiù huí jiā.
After I get out of class, I go home.

Háizi shuì le jiào yǐhòu, fùmǔ jiù kàn diànshì.
After the children go to sleep, the parents watch television.

To signal that a sequence occurred in the past, follow the verb of the second clause with 了 le,
using the guidelines for the placement of perfective 了 le presented in Chapter 17.

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