Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
expressing the relationship ‘after’ in a single sentence

The following two sentences, one with 就 jiù and the other with 以后/以後 yǐhòu, are
equivalent in meaning. Compare them to the sentence above in which 就 jiù and 以后/以後
yǐhòu both occur.

Wǒ xué le Zhōngguó lìshǐ jiù xiǎng qù Zhōngguó.
After I studied Chinese history I wanted to go to China.

Wǒ xué le Zhōngguó lìshǐ yǐhòu xiǎng qù Zhōngguó.
After I studied Chinese history I wanted to go to China.

C15.2.4 indicating that one event happens ‘only after’ another event:
sequence with the adverb 才 cái
To indicate that some event happens ‘only after’ another event, use the adverb 才 cái before
the second verb of a sequence. 才 cái can occur with 以后/以後 yǐhòu and 了 le. 才 cái and
就 jiù cannot both occur before the same verb.

Tā zài Zhōngguó zhù le liǎng nián cái huì shuō Zhōngguó huà.
She lived in China for two years and only then was able to speak Chinese.
(After she lived in China for two years, only then was she able to speak Chinese.)

Nǐ zhǎng dà le yǐhòu cái dǒng zhè zhǒng shìqing.
After you grow up, only then will you understand this kind of situation.


Pay attention to the difference between the adverbs 才 cái and 就 jiù in the following sentences.
Since 就 jiù indicates simple sequence, it is used much more frequently than 才 cái. For many
speakers of Mandarin, a verb phrase with 才 cái cannot include 了 le.

就 jiù 才 cái

他吃了药就好了。 他吃了药才好(了)。
他吃了藥就好了。 他吃了藥才好(了)。
Tā chī le yào jiù hǎo le. Tā chī le yào cái hǎo (le).
After he ate the medicine, he recovered. Only after he ate the medicine did he recover.
(He ate the medicine and only then recovered.)

就 jiù 才 cái

他开了空调就舒服了。 他开了空调才舒服。
他開了空調就舒服了。 他開了空調才舒服。
Tā kāi le kōngtiáo jiù shūfu le. Tā kāi le kōngtiáo cái shūfu.
After he turned on the air conditioner,
he was comfortable.

Only after he turned on the air conditioner
was he comfortable.
(He turned on the air conditioner and only
then was comfortable.)

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