Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
indicating that one event happens first and another event happens afterwards

42.3 indicating that one event happens first and another event

happens afterwards

The following pairs of adverbs are used to indicate that one event happens first and another
event happens afterwards. The adverbs always occur before [prepositional phrases +] verb
phrases. The order of the adverbs and their following verb phrases is fixed. They are often used
when giving instructions and describing processes.

42.3.1 indicating the relationship ‘first... then.. .’

The following pairs of adverbs are commonly used to indicate the relationship ‘first... then.. .’

先 xiān VP 1 再 zài VP 2
first VP 1 then VP 2

Nǐ xiān mǎi piào, zài shàng gōnggòng qì chē.
You first buy a ticket, then get on the bus.

先 xiān VP 1 然后/然後 ránhòu VP 2
first VP 1 then /afterwards VP 2

Wǒmen děi xiān qù huàn qián, ránhòu qù mǎi dōngxi.
We have to first change money and then go shopping.

先 xiān VP 1 以后/以後 yǐhòu VP 2
first VP 1 then /afterwards VP 2

Wǒmen xiān chī fàn, yǐhòu tǎolùn nà jiàn shìqing.
We will eat first and discuss this matter afterwards.

42.3.2 indicating the relationship ‘first... only then.. .’

To indicate that some event occurs ‘only after’ another event, say:

先 xiān VP 1 才 cái VP 2
first VP 1 only then VP 2

Nǐ xiān mǎi piào, cái shàng gōnggòng qìchē.
You first buy a ticket and only then get on the bus.

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