Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
describing a subject in terms of two qualities that exist at the same time

43.2 Indicating that two actions occur at the same time

43.2.1 Focusing on each action separately

(subject) 一边/邊 VP 1 一边/邊 VP 2
(subject) yībiān VP 1 yībiān VP 2
subject does both VP 1 and VP 2 at the same time

一边/一邊 yībiān must occur before each verb phrase:

Wǒ érzi yìbiān tīng yīnyuè, yìbiān zuò gōngkè.
My son listens to music and does homework at the same time.

43.2.2 Focusing on the shared time

(subject) 同时/同時 VP 1 VP 2
(subject) tóngshí VP 1 VP 2
subject simultaneously does VP 1 and VP 2

同时/同時 tóngshí occurs before the list of actions that occur at the same time:

Nǐ wèi shénme tóngshí tīng yīnyuè zuò gōngkè?
Why do you listen to music and do your homework at the same time?

43.3 Indicating that two actions occur in the same time frame

To indicate that two actions occur in the same time frame, though not necessarily at the same
time, say:

又 action VP 1 又 action VP 2
yòu VP 1 yòu VP 2
(subject) does both VP 1 and VP 2

Tā tèbié máng, yòu niàn shū, yòu zuò shì.
He is really busy. He both studies and has a job.

43.4 describing a subject in terms of two qualities that exist

at the same time

(subject) 又 AV/SV 1 又 AV/SV 2
(subject) yòu AV/SV 1 yòu AV/SV 2
(subject) is both AV/SV 1 and AV/SV 2

Nàge nán de yòu gāo yòu dà.
That guy is both tall and big.

C10.8, 40.9
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