Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
exPreSSiNG CaUSe aNd eFFeCt or reaSoN aNd reSUlt

However, the 因为/因為 yīnwei clause may occur either first or second in the sentence. As the
sentences above illustrate, when 因为/因為 yīnwei occurs in the second clause, 所以 suǒyǐ
cannot be included in the first clause.

Tā huì shuō Zhōngguó huà, yīnwei tā shì Zhōngguó rén.
He can speak Chinese because he is Chinese.

Wáng xiānsheng qǐng jià le, yīnwei tā yǒu shì.
Mr. Wang asked for time off because he had a matter (to attend to).

44.1.3 omission of the connecting words

Although you can include 因为/因為 yīnwei and 所以 suǒyǐ in the same sentence, it is often
possible to have only 因为/因為 yīnwei or only 所以 suǒyǐ in a cause and effect sentence.

所以 suǒyǐ and not 因为/因為 yīnwei

Wǒ zuì jìn hěn máng, suǒyǐ méi gěi nǐ dǎ diànhuà.
I have been very busy recently, so I haven’t called you.

因为/因為 yīnwei and not 所以 suǒyǐ

Tā yīnwei bìng le, méi lái shàng kè.
Because he was sick, he didn’t come to class.

44.2 Introducing the cause or reason

The following expressions introduce a cause or reason for some situation.

因为 (noun phrase) 的关系,...
因為 (noun phrase) 的關係,...
yīnwei (noun phrase) de guānxi,...
because of/due to (noun phrase),...

Yīnwei tā péngyou de guānxi, qìchē de jiàgé jiǎnshǎo le.
Because of his friend, the price of the car was reduced.

(noun phrase)(之)所以 situation 1 , 是因为 situation 2
(noun phrase)(之)所以 situation 1 , 是因為 situation 2
(noun phrase)(zhī) suǒyǐ situation 1 , shì yīnwei situation 2
(nouns phrase’s) reason for situation 1 is situation 2

Yǒu xiē rén zhī suǒyǐ duì gōngzuò bù rènzhēn, shì yīnwei quēfá zérèngǎn.
The reason why some people don’t work conscientiously is because they lack a sense
of responsibility.
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