Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
expressing ‘both’ and ‘all’

46.1.2 expressing ‘all’ with 所有的 suIyIu de

所有的 suǒyǒu de occurs before any noun with plural reference to indicate all of the noun.
It generally refers to nouns that represent a relatively large number of objects.

Suǒyǒu de chē dōu tài guì.
All of the cars are too expensive.

Nàge fànguǎn, suǒyǒu de cài dōu tài xián.
(In) that restaurant, all of the dishes are too salty.

Wǒ xiào de zúqiú duì, suǒyǒu de nán de dōu hěn shuài.
(In) our school’s football team, all of the guys are really cute.

46.1.3 expressing the concept ‘all’ with 全 quán

全 quán occurs before certain nouns to indicate all of the noun or the entire noun.

Commonly occurring phrases with 全 quán include:
全家 quán jiā all of the family/the whole family
全班 quán bān all of the class/the whole class
全国/全國 quán guó the whole country
全民 quánmín all of the people
全年 quán nián the whole year

Shàng gè xīngqī wǒmen quán jiā rén dōu qù Fǎguó lǚxíng le.
Last week, our whole family went to France for vacation.

Quán bān dōu kǎo de hěn hǎo.
The whole class did well on the exam.

46.1.4 expressing ‘double’ or ‘both’ with 双/雙 shuAng

双/雙 shuāng ‘pair’ is a classifier:

yī shuāng xiézi
a pair of shoes

双/雙 shuāng also occurs before a noun to indicate double noun or both nouns. It is often used
to describe objects that come in pairs:
双面/雙面 shuāngmiàn both sides; reversible
双方/雙方 shuāngfāng both parties (both people)
双亲/雙親 shuāngqīn both parents
双姓/雙姓 shuāngxìng two-character family name
双人床/雙人牀 shuāngrén chuáng double bed
双胞胎/雙胞胎 shuāngbāotāi twins
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