Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
expressing ‘every,’ ‘any,’ ‘not any,’ and ‘no matter how’ with question words

什么地方/甚麼地方 + 都 or 也 + negation
shénme dìfang + dōu or yě + negation
nowhere/not anyplace

Wǒ gāng dào zhèr lái. Shénme dìfang dōu bù rènshi.
I’ve just come here. (I’m new here.) I don’t recognize any place.

Zěnme le? Shénme dìfang dōu méi yǒu rén.
What’s going on? There aren’t any people anywhere.
什么时候/甚麼時候 + 都 or 也 + negation
shénme shíhòu + dōu or yě + negation
never/not anytime

Q: 你什么时候有空? A: 我什么时候也没有空。
你甚麼時候有空? 我甚麼時候也沒有空。
Nǐ shénme shíhòu yǒu kòng? Wǒ shénme shíhòu yě méi yǒu kòng.
When do you have free time? I never have free time.

Q: 你什么时候看电视? A: 我什么时候都不看电视。
你甚麼時候看電視? 我甚麼時候都不看電視。
Nǐ shénme shíhòu kàn diànshì? Wǒ shénme shíhòu dōu bù kàn diànshì.
When do you watch television? I never watch television.

46.4.3 expressing ‘no matter how’ with 怎么/怎麼 zGnme

怎么/怎麼 verb 1 也 + verb 2
zěnme verb 1 yě + verb 2
no matter how much one does verb 1 (the anticipated goal or result is not attained)
When 怎么/怎麼 zěnme is used, verb 2 is often a resultative verb.

Zhège zì, wǒ zěnme xiě, yě xiě bù duì.
This character, no matter how I write it, I write it incorrectly.
Zhè jiàn shì, wǒ zěnme zuò yě bù hǎo.
This situation, no matter how I handle it, is not good.

Nǐ zuò de cài tài duō le! Zěnme chī, yě chībuwán.
You made too much food! No matter how we eat, we can’t finish it.
Zhège míyǔ, zěnme cāi yě cāibuzháo.
This riddle, no matter how I guess, I can’t figure it out.
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