Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

‘Both,’ ‘all,’ ‘eVery,’ ‘aNy,’ ‘NoNe,’ ‘Not aNy,’ aNd ‘No matter hoW’ 46.4

The expression 不论/不論 búlùn ‘regardless/no matter how’ may occur before 怎么/怎麼 zěnme.
The meaning of the expression is the same: no matter how much one does verb 1 (the anticipated
goal or result is not attained).

Zhège zì, wǒ búlùn zěnme xiě yě xiěcuò.
This character, no matter how I write it, I write it wrong.
Zhè jiàn shì, wǒ búlùn zěnme zuò yě bù hǎo.
This situation, no matter how I handle it, is not good.

C28.6, 32

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