Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
exPreSSiNG loCatioN aNd diStaNCe

To ask where an object is with respect to a reference point, say:

(object) 在 zài reference point 的 de 哪边/哪邊 nǎbiān?
Kāfēiguǎn zài chēzhàn de nǎbiān?
The coffee shop is on which side of the train station? (Which side of the train
station is the coffee shop on?)

To ask if an object is at one or the other of two locations, use a 还是/還是 háishi question
and ask:
(object) 在 zài reference point 的 de location 1 还是/還是 háishi 在 zài reference point
的 de location 2?

Kāfēiguǎn zài chēzhàn de lǐbiān háishi zài chēzhàn de wàibiān ne?
Is the coffee shop inside the station or outside the station?


47.2 Indicating that an object exists or does not exist at a location

To indicate that an object exists at a location, use the following pattern. Note that 在 zài is
optional at the beginning of the sentence.

(在 zài) location 有 yǒu object
At location there is object (there are objects).

(Zài) zhuōzi shàng yǒu shū.
On the table there is a book (there are books).

(Zài) fángzi hòubiān yǒu māo.
Behind the house there is a cat (there are cats).
有 yǒu object 在 zài location

There is object (there are objects) at location.

Yǒu liǎng běn shū zài zhuōzi shàng.
There are two books on the table.

Yǒu yīzhī māo zài fángzi de hòubiān.
There is a cat behind the house.
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