Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
talkiNG aBoUt CloCk time aNd CaleNdar time
49.2 referring to days before and after today

大前天 dà qiántiān three days ago
前天 qiántiān the day before yesterday
昨天 zuótiān yesterday
今天 jīntiān today
明天 míngtiān tomorrow
后天/後天 hòutiān the day after tomorrow
大后天/大後天 dà hòutiān three days from now referring to the date of the month (the first, second, third of the month, etc.)
There are two words for ‘date’ that are used when referring to the date of the month, 号/號
hào and 日 rì. 日 rì is more formal than 号/號 hào and is used in calendars and other written
documents. To indicate the date, put the number directly before 日 rì or 号/號 hào:

the 5th (of the month) 五号/五號 or 五日
wǔ hào wǔ rì

the 22nd (of the month) 二十二号 or 二十二日
èrshí’èr hào èrshí’èr rì
To ask about the date, say:

几号? or 几日?
幾號? 幾日?
jǐ hào? jǐ rì?
what is the date? what is the date?

今天几号? or 今天几月几号?
今天幾號? 今天幾月幾號?
Jīntiān jǐ hào? Jīntiān jǐ yuè jǐ hào?
What is today’s date? What is today’s date?
(What is today’s month and date?) reciting complete days and asking about dates
In Mandarin, complete dates are presented from the largest unit of time to the smallest unit
of time as follows:

year + month + date
yī jiǔ jiǔ bā nián, qīyuè, sānshí yī rì
July 31, 1998

èr líng líng líng nián yī yuè yī rì
January 1, 2000
yī jiǔ bā èr nián shí yuè wǔ hào
October 5, 1982
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