Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Compliments and appropriate responses

59.3 Compliments and appropriate responses

The type of compliment determines the type of response. Here are some examples of compliments
and appropriate responses.
Compliment Appropriate response

你的孩子很聪明。 不聪明。不聪明。
你的孩子很聰明。 不聰明。不聰明。
Nǐ de háizi hěn cōngming. Bù cōngming. Bù cōngming.
Your child is very intelligent. (She/ he) is not intelligent.

你的中国字写得真好。 我写得不好。
你的中國字寫得真好。 我寫得不好。
Nǐ de Zhōngguó zì xiě de zhēn hǎo. Wǒ xiě de bù hǎo.
You write Chinese characters really well. I do not write well.

您的讲演太精彩了。 过奖了。
您的講演太精彩了。 過獎了。
Nín de jiǎngyǎn tài jīngcǎi le. Guò jiǎng le.
You gave an outstanding speech. You are excessive in your praise.

你的医术真高明。 不敢当。
你的醫術真高明。 不敢當。
Nǐ de yīshù zhēn gāomíng. Bùgǎndāng.
Your medical skill is brilliant. I cannot accept your praise.

今天的菜太丰富了。 没什么菜。便饭。
今天的菜太豐富了。 沒甚麼菜。便飯。
Jīntiān de cài tài fēngfù le. Méi shénme cài. Biàn fàn.
Today’s meal is so bountiful. There isn’t anything special.
It is just ordinary food.

你太太做的菜真好吃。 哪里,哪里。便饭。
你太太做的菜真好吃。 哪裏,哪裏。便飯。
Nǐ tàitai zuò de cài zhēn hǎo chī. Nǎlǐ, nǎlǐ. Biàn fàn.
The dishes that your wife made are
really good.

There is nothing worth praising.
It is ordinary food.

你这件毛衣很漂亮。 真的吗?很便宜。(很旧。)
你這件毛衣很漂亮。 真的嗎?很便宜。(很舊。)
Nǐ zhè jiàn máoyī hěn piàoliang. Zhēnde ma? Hěn piányi. (Hěn jiù.)
Your sweater is very pretty. Really? It was very cheap. (It’s old.)
Shì ma?
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