Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
The position of duration phrases

Within the ‘time when’ phrase, the order of constituents is from the largest block of time to the
smallest block of time:

yī jiǔ jiǔ bā nián èryuè shíwǔ rì
1998 year February 15 → February 15, 1998

zuótiān wǎnshang bā diǎn zhōng
yesterday evening 8 o’clock → 8 o’clock last night

4.6 The relative order of the ‘time when’ phrase and

the location phrase

When a sentence includes both a ‘time when’ phrase and a location phrase, ‘time when’ gener-
ally occurs before location.

subject + time when + location + verb phrase

Wǒ měitiān zài jiā chī fàn.
I eat at home every day.

4.7 The position of adverbs

Adverbs occur at the beginning of the predicate, before the verb and any prepositional phrase.
Adverbs usually occur after the ‘time when’ phrase.

Wǒ shàng gè yuè zhǐ kàn le yī gè diànyǐng.
Last month I only saw one movie.
C 15

4.8 The position of negation

Negation occurs before the verb and any prepositional phrase. It usually occurs after an adverb,
though certain adverbs may either precede or follow negation.

C15, 27.2

4.9 The position of duration phrases

Duration phrases are time phrases that indicate the length of time that an action occurs. Duration
phrases directly follow the verb. Unlike English, there is no preposition associated with the
expression of duration in Mandarin.

Wǒ zài Zhōngguó zhù le sān nián.
I in China lived three years. → I lived in China for three years.
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