Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

To find out how much of a discount there is, you can ask:

Dǎ jǐ zhé?
How much discount is there?
C 28

6.7 Lucky and unlucky numbers

Some numbers have special significance in Chinese based on their value in traditional Chinese
numerology or because they are near-homophones with a word with positive or negative con-
notations. Here are some numbers with special significance.

Numbers with negative connotations – unlucky numbers
四 sì (near homophone with 死 sǐ ‘to die’)
五 wǔ (near homophone with 无/無 wú ‘nothing’)

Numbers with positive connotations – lucky numbers
六 liù (near homophone with 留 liú ‘remain, leftover/excess’)
八 bā (near homophone with 发/發 fā ‘prosperity’)

The special significance of odd and even numbers

  • 单号/單號 dānhào ‘odd numbers.’ Odd-numbered items are appropriate for funerals and
    other sad occasions.

  • 双号/雙號 shuānghào ‘even numbers.’ Even-numbered items (except for the number 4)
    are appropriate for weddings and other happy occasions.

6.8 Numbers used in phrases and expressions

Numbers, especially sequential numbers, are often used in Chinese phrases.

1’s and 2’s
yī qīng èr chǔ
perfectly clearly

Tā shuō de yī qīng èr chǔ.
He said it perfectly clearly.
3’s and 4’s

Zhāng Sān Lǐ Sì
John Doe and Mary Smith (ordinary people)
bù sān bù sì
neither here nor there, questionable, no good
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