Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
choosing the classifier

8.2.2 classifiers that indicate a property of the noun

Some classifiers indicate a property of the noun. These classifiers are often translated into
Shape of noun 张/張 一张纸/一張紙
zhāng yī zhāng zhǐ
a flat sheet a sheet of paper

The shape of the container
of the noun

杯 一杯茶

bēi yī bēi chá
cup a cup of tea
The weight of the noun 斤 一斤苹果
jīn yī jīn píngguǒ
0.5 kilograms 0.5 kilograms of apples

The value of the noun 毛 一毛钱/一毛錢
máo yī máo qián
dime a dime’s worth of money
Different classifiers may be used to describe a noun in different ways.

Noun Classifier Noun phrase
饭/飯 碗 一碗饭/一碗飯
fàn wǎn yī wǎn fàn
rice bowl one bowl of rice

饭/飯 斤 两斤饭/兩斤飯
fàn jīn liǎng jīn fàn
rice 0.5 kilograms one kilogram of rice
面包/麵包 条/條 一条面包/一條麵包
miànbāo tiáo yī tiáo miànbāo
bread loaf a loaf of bread

面包/麵包 块/塊 一块面包/一塊麵包
miànbāo kuài yī kuài miànbāo
bread slice/piece a slice of bread
水 瓶 一瓶水
shuǐ píng yī píng shuǐ
water bottle a bottle of water

水 杯 一杯水
shuǐ bēi yī bēi shuǐ
water glass a glass of water
水 壶/壺 一壶水/一壺水
shuǐ hú yī hú shuǐ
water pot/vase a pot/vase of water

花 瓶 一瓶花
huā píng yī píng huā
flower bottle a vase of flowers
花 束 一束花
huā shù yī shù huā

flower bouquet a bouquet of flowers

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