Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
noun modifiers in a series

9.3 Omission of the particle 的 de

The particle 的 de is sometimes omitted from the modifier.
的 de may be omitted:

  • when the modifier is an unmodified one-syllable adjectival verb.
    贵的车/貴的車 guì de chē → 贵车/貴車 guì chē expensive car

but not
很贵的车/很貴的車 hěn guì de chē → *很贵车/很貴車 hěn guì chē

  • when the modifier is closely associated with the noun, describing, for example, nationality:
    美国的人/美國的人 Měiguó de rén → 美国人/美國人 Měiguó rén American

  • or a close personal relationship in which the modifier is a pronoun:
    我的爸爸 wǒ de bàba → 我爸爸 wǒ bàba my father

9.4 Noun modifiers in a series

In Mandarin Chinese, a noun may be modified by any number of modifiers.

  • The modifiers occur in a series before the head noun.

  • A modifier that is a specifier and/or a number ends with a classifier. All other modifiers
    may end in the particle 的 de.

  • The head noun occurs only once, at the end of the series of modifiers.
    Here are examples of noun phrases in which the head noun is modified by a series of modifiers.
    Each modifying phrase is included in [square brackets].

wǒmen [zuótiān kàn de] [gāng chūlái de] [Zhōngguó de] diànyǐng
we [yesterday see] [just come out] [China] movie
the Chinese movie that just came out that we saw yesterday
[nǐ gěi wǒ jièshào de] [nà liǎng gè] [hěn cōngming de] liúxuéshēng
[you introduced to me] [those two] [very smart] exchange students
those two very smart exchange students who you introduced me to

Modifiers may occur in any order. However, modifiers involving inherent personal character-
istics often occur closer to the head noun.
[chuān máoyī de] [hěn kě’ài de] xiǎo háizi
[wearing a sweater] [very cute] child
the very cute child who is wearing a sweater
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