Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
MOdAL verbS

12.4 expressing obligations

Obligations may be strong (must) or weak (should). In Mandarin, as in English, negation
often changes the force of the words used to express obligation. This section presents a brief
overview of the use of modal verbs to express obligations. For more on expressing obligations,
see Chapter 50.

12.4.1 Strong obligation: must, have to

The Mandarin words used to indicate strong obligation (must) are 必须/必須 bìxū, 必得 bìděi,
and 得 děi. 必得 bìděi and 必须/必須 bìxū are more formal than 得 děi. 必须/必須 bìxū is
used in legal pronouncements and in other formal spoken and written contexts.
必须/必須 bìxū

Hūn qián bìxū zuò jiànkāng jiǎnchá.
Before you get married you must have a physical exam.
必得 bìděi

Yīshēng shuō wǒ měitiān bìděi chī yào.
The doctor says I must take medicine every day.
得 děi

Zhù yuàn yǐqián děi xiān fù qián.
Before being admitted to the hospital you must first pay a fee.

12.4.2 weak obligation – social and moral obligation: should, ought to

The modal verbs used to express weak obligations (should) associated with social or moral
responsibilities include 应该/應該 yīnggāi, 该/該 gāi, 应当/應當 yīngdāng, and 当/當 dāng.
应当/應當 yīngdāng is more formal than 应该/應該 yīnggāi and can be used in formal texts
including legal documents. 该/該 gāi is used in informal speech. 应/應 yīng is used in formal
texts including legal documents. For illustrations of legal uses, see

应该/應該 yīnggāi

Xuésheng yīnggāi rènzhēn de xuéxí.
Students should study conscientiously.
该/該 gāi

Nǐ gāi zǎo yīdiǎn shuì jiào.
You should go to sleep a little earlier.
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