Tuttle Learners of Chinese -English Dictionary

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


bā 八 NUM eight ■ 八八六十四 Bā bā liùshísì. Eight times eight is sixty-four.
bābudé 巴不得 V wish for eagerly, be extremely anxious (to do something)
bājie 巴结 V cosy up, fawn on
bā 扒 V 1 strip off, take off (clothes, etc.) 2 hold on to, cling to
bā 疤 N scar
bá 拔 V pull out, pull up
bá miáo zhù zhǎng 拔苗助长 IDIOM pull up a young plant to help it grow (→ spoil things with excessive
bǎ 把¹ MEASURE WORD 1 (for objects with handles) 一把刀 yì bǎ dāo a knife 2 a handful of 一把米 yì bǎ mǐ a
handful of rice
bǎ 把² PREP (used before a noun or pronoun to indicate it is the object of the sentence) ■ 请你 把这封信
交给李先生。Qǐng nǐ bǎ zhè fēng xìn jiāogěi Lǐ xiānsheng. Please deliver this letter to Mr Li. ■
我可以把车停在这里吗?Wǒ kěyǐ bǎ chē tíng zài zhèli ma? May I park my car here?
bǎguān 把关 V check on, ensure
bǎshǒu 把手 N handle, handrail
bǎwò 把握 I N being certain and assured, confidence ■ 你有成功的把握吗?Nǐ yǒu chēnggōng de
bǎwò ma? Are you sure of success? II V seize (an opportunity) ■ 我们一定要把握这个时 机。
Wǒmen yídìng yào bǎwò zhège shíjī We must seize this opportunity
bǎxì 把戏 N 1 acrobatics, juggery 2 trick, swindle
bà 爸 N dad, daddy, papa
bàba 爸爸 N daddy, papa ■ 我爸爸工作很努力。 Wǒ bàba gōngzuò hěn nǔlì. My father works hard. ■
爸爸,这个星期五晚上我想用一下你的车,行 不行?Bàba, zhège Xīngqīwǔ wǎnshang wǒ
xiǎng yòng yíxià nǐ de chē, xíng bu xíng? Daddy, I’d like to use your car this Friday evening. Is it
all right?
bà 罢 TRAD 罷 V stop
bàgōng 罢工 [v+obj: 罢 stop + 工 work] V stage a strike, down tools
bà 霸 V & N dominate, rule by might; tyrant, tyranny, hegemony 恶霸 èbà local tyrant
bàdào 霸道 [modif: 霸 tyrant + 道 way] ADJ & N overbearing, high-handed; tyranny, hegemony
bà 坝 TRAD 壩 N dam (See dībà 堤坝.)
ba 吧 PARTICLE 1 (used to make a suggestion) ■ 我们一块儿去吃中饭吧。Wǒmen yíkuàir qù chī
zhōngfàn ba. Let’s go and have lunch together. ■ 今天太冷了,别去游泳吧!Jīntiān tài lěng le,
bié qù yóuyǒng ba! It’s too cold today. Don’t go swimming, OK? 2 (used to indicate supposition) ■
你是新加坡来的张先生吧?Nǐ shì Xīnjiāpō lái de Zhāng xiānsheng ba? Aren’t you Mr Zhang
from Singapore? ■ 你对这个地方很熟悉吧?Nǐ duì zhège dìfang hěn shúxi ba? You’re familiar
with this place, aren’t you?
bāi 掰 V break off with hands
bái 白 I ADJ white ■ 下雪以后,路上一片 白。Xiàxuě yǐhòu, lù shang yí piàn bái. The road was all
white after the snow. ■ 她穿白衣服特别 好看。Tā chuān bái yīfu tèbié hǎokàn. She looks
especially beautiful in white.
NOTE: In Chinese tradition, white symbolizes death and is the color for funerals.

II ADV in   vain,   without any result  ■ 他根本不思 改进,你说了也白说。Tā    gēnběn  bù  sī  gǎijìn, nǐ
shuōle yě bái shuō. He does not want to improve his work at all. You said all that in vain. ■ 我忘
了在电脑里保存文件,一个晚上的工作白做了。 Wǒ wàngle zài diànnǎo lǐ bǎocún wénjiàn, yí
ge wǎnshang de gōngzuò dōu bái zuò le. I forgot to save my document in the computer. An
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