Tuttle Learners of Chinese -English Dictionary

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
chénggōng. It   was not the case    that    he  never   tried,  but that    he  was not successful. II CONJ same    as 并
且 bìngqiě. Used only in written Chinese.

NOTE: 并 bìng is used    to  emphasize   the negation. It    is  not grammatically   essential;  without 并 bìng the
sentences still stand. The following is perfectly acceptable: ■ 事情不象你想象的那么简单。Shìqing bú xiàng ní
xiǎngxiàng de nàme jiǎndān. Things are not as simple as you imagine.

bìngcún 并存 V exist side by side, co-exist
bìngfēi 并非 ADV not, not at all 并非如此 bìngfēi rúcǐ not like that
bìngliè 并列 V stand side by side
bìngqiě 并且 CONJ moreover, what’s more, and ■ 技术员发现并且解决了问题。Jìshùyuán fāxiàn
bìngqiě jiějuéle wèntí. The technician discovered the problem and solved it. (← The technician
discovered the problem; what’s more, he solved it.) ■ 他去机场接朋友,并且带他游览市区。Tā
qù jīchǎng jiē péngyou, bìngqiě dài tā yóulǎn shìqū. He met his friend at the airport and took him
on a sightseeing trip of the city.
bìng 病 V & N fall ill, be ill; illness, disease ■ 他 病得很重, 得住院。Tā bìng de hěn zhòng, děi
zhùyuàn. He is seriously ill and needs to be hospitalized. ■ 张先生什么病? Zhāng xiānsheng
shénme bìng? What is Mr Zhang ill with? (→ What’s wrong with Mr Zhang?) 生病 shēng bìng fall ill
bìng jià 病假 N sick leave 请病假 qǐng bìngjià ask for/apply for sick leave ■ 她请了三天病假。Tā qǐngle
sāntiān bìngjià. She asked for three days’ sick leave.
bìngdú 病毒 [modif: 病 disease + 毒 poison] N virus 电脑病毒 diànnǎo bìngdù computer virus
bìngfáng 病房 [modif: 病 sickness + 房 room] N (hospital) ward ■ 医生每天上午十点查病房。
Yīshēng měi tiān shàngwǔ shí diǎn chá bìngfáng. The doctors make their rounds of the wards at ten
o’clock every morning. 重病房 zhòngbìngfáng intensive care ward
bìngrén 病人 [modif: 病 sick + 人 person] N patient ■ 病人要听医生的嘱咐。Bìngrén yào tīng
yīshēng de zhǔfu. Patients should take their doctors’ advice. 住院病人 zhùyuàn bìngrén inpatient
bō 波 N ripple, wave
bōdòng 波动 V fluctuate (like a wave) 情绪波动 qíngxù bōdòng constantly changing moods
bōlàng 波浪 [comp: 波 ripple + 浪 wave] N wave
bōtāo 波涛 [comp: 波 wave + 涛 billow] N high wave
bōtāo xiōngyǒng 波涛汹涌 IDIOM waves surging turbulently, waves running high
bō 玻 N as in 玻璃 bōli
bōli 玻璃 N glass ■ 大楼的正面全部是玻璃。 Dàlóu de zhèngmiàn quánbù shì bōli. The front of the
big building is all covered by glass. 玻璃窗 bōli chuāng glass window, window
bō 播 V sow
bōfàng 播放 [comp: 播 sow + 放 release] V broadcast (radio or TV programmes)
bōzhòng 播种 [comp: 播 sow + 种 plant] V sow seeds
bō 剥 TRAD 剝 V peel, strip
bōxuē 剥削 V exploit (people)
bō 拨 TRAD 撥 V 1 stir with a finger or stick 2 allocate
bōdǎ 拨打 V dial to call, press to call
bōkuǎn 拨款 V allocate funds, appropriate (money)
bó 伯 N same as 伯父 bófù
bófù 伯父 N father’s elder brother ■ 伯父只比爸 爸大两岁,但是看来比爸爸老得多。Bófù zhǐ bǐ
bàba dà liǎng suì, dànshì kànlái bǐ bàba lǎo de duō. My father’s elder brother is only two years
older than he is, but looks much older.
NOTE: 伯父 bófù is also a form of address for men older than your father but not old enough to be your
grandfather. The colloquialism for 伯父 bófù is 伯 伯 bóbo.

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