Tuttle Learners of Chinese -English Dictionary

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

bù 布¹ N cotton or linen cloth (块 kuài, 片 piàn) ■ 这块布很好看, 做裙子正合适。Zhè kuài bù hěn
hǎokàn, zuò qúnzi zhèng héshì. This piece of cotton cloth looks good, just right for a skirt.
bù 布² TRAD 佈 V arrange, deploy
bùgào 布告 [comp: 布 deploy + 告 announce] I V announce publicly II N public announcement, bulletin
bùjú 布局 N layout, overall arrangement
bùzhì 布置 V decorate ■ 他们马上要结婚了,这几 天正在布置新房。Tāmen mǎshàng yào jiēhūn le,
zhè jǐ tiān zhèngzài bùzhì xīnfáng. They’re getting married soon and are decorating their new
home these days.
bù 步 N step ■ 走几步就到了,不用开车。 Zǒu jǐ bù jiù dào le, bú yòng kāi chē. It’s just a few steps
away. There’s no need to drive.
bùfá 步伐 N step, pace
bùzhòu 步骤 N procedure, steps ■ 她没有按照 步骤关电脑,结果死机了。Tā méiyǒu ànzhào
bùzhòu guān diànnǎo, jiéguǒ sǐjī le. She didn’t follow the procedure to shut down the computer
and, as a result, it crashed.
bù 怖 V fear (See kǒngbù 恐怖.)
bù 部 N part, unit
bùduì 部队 N troops, the army ■ 部队是锻炼年轻 人的好地方。Bùduì shì duànliàn niánqīngrén de hǎo
dìfang. The army is a good place to toughen up young people.
bùfen 部分 [comp: 部 part + 分 division] N portion, part ■ 中国的中学分初中和高中两部分。
Zhōngguó de zhōngxué fēn chūzhōng hé gāozhōng liǎng bùfen. Chinese high schools have two
parts—junior high and senior high. 大部分 dà bùfen most of ..., the majority of ...
bùmén 部门 [comp: 部 department + 门 gate, door] N department ■ 他们虽然都在市政府工作, 但是
在不同的部门,相互不熟悉。Tāmen suīrán dōu zài shì zhèngfǔ gōngzuò, dànshì zài bùtóng de
bùmén, xiānghù bù shúxi. Although they both work in the city government, they work at different
departments and do not know each other well.
bùshǔ 部署 V & N map out, deploy; plan (for a major operation)
bùwèi 部位 N position, location
bùzhǎng 部长 [modif: 部 ministry + 长 chief, the person in charge] N (government) minister ■ 教育 部
长对中小学的外语教学很关心。Jiàoyù Bùzhǎng duì zhōng-xiǎoxué de wàiyǔ jiàoxué hěn
guānxīn. The Minister of Education is very concerned about foreign language teaching at schools.

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