Tuttle Learners of Chinese -English Dictionary

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
NOTE:   Colloquially, 常常 chángcháng is  often   used    instead of 常 cháng.

chángnián 常年 ADV all the year round, year in and year out
chángshí 常识 [modif: 常 common + 识 knowledge] N 1 common sense ■ 孩子从生活中学会很 多常
识。Háizi cóng shēnghuó zhōng xuéhuì hěn duō chángshí. Children learn a lot of common sense
from life. 2 basic knowledge ■ 我不是计 算机专家,我只知道计算机的常识。Wǒ bú shì jìsuànjī
zhuānjiā, wǒ zhǐ zhīdào jìsuànjī de chángshí. I’m not a computer expert; I’ve only got some basic
chángwù 常务 ADJ in charge of day-to-day business 常务副市长 chángwù fù shìzhǎng executive vice-mayor
chǎng 厂 TRAD 廠 N factory (See gōngchǎng 工厂.)
chǎng 场 TRAD 場 I N ground, field 操场 cāochǎng sports ground, playground / 体育 场 tǐyùchǎng stadium / 飞
机场 fēijīchǎng airport / 市场 shìchǎng market II MEASURE WORD (for movies, sport events, etc.) ■ 一场电影
yì chǎng diànyǐng a movie ■ 一场球赛 yì chǎng qiúsài a ball game, a ball match
chǎnghé 场合 N occasion, situation
chǎngmiàn 场面 N scene (in a play, a movie, a novel, etc.)
chǎngsuǒ 场所 N place (for public activity) 公共场所 gōnggòng chǎngsuǒ public place
chǎng 敞 V open
chǎngkāi 敞开 [comp: 敞 open + 开 open] V open wide
chàng 畅 TRAD 暢 ADJ uninhibited, unimpeded
chàngtōng 畅通 [comp: 畅 unimpeded + 通 through] ADJ unimpeded, flowing freely and smoothly
chàngxiāo 畅销 [modif: 畅 freely + 销 sell] V sell well 畅销书 chàngxiāo shū best-seller
chàng 倡 V initiate
chàngdǎo 倡导 V initiate, promote
chàngyì 倡议 [v+obj: 倡 initiate + 议 proposal] V & n propose; proposal, suggestion (项 xiàng)
chàng 唱 V sing ■ 你会唱中文歌吗? Nǐ huì chàng Zhōngwén gē ma? Can you sing Chinese songs?
chànggē 唱歌 [v+obj: 唱 sing + 歌 song] V sing songs, sing ■ 你唱歌唱得真好听! Nǐ chànggē chàng
de zhēn hǎotīng! You really sing well!
chāo 抄 V copy by hand ■ 这些数字很重要,我要 抄下来。Zhèxiē shùzì hěn zhòngyào, wǒ yào chāo
xiàlai. These are important numbers. I’ll write them down.
chāoxiě 抄写 V same as 抄 chāo
chāo 超 V go beyond, exceed
chāoguò 超过 V 1 overtake ■ 我前面的车开得太 慢,我要超过它。Wǒ qiánmiàn de chē kāi de tài
màn, wǒ yào chāoguò tā. The car in front of me is moving too slowly. I want to overtake it. 2 exceed
■ 去年到这个国家的旅游者超过了三百万。 Qùnián dào zhège guójiā de lǚyóuzhě chāoguòle
sān bǎiwàn. The number of tourists visiting this country last year exceeded three million.
chāojí 超级 [modif: 超 exceed + 级 grade] ADJ super
chāojí gōnglù 超级公路 N super-highway, motorway
chāo(jí) shì(chǎng) 超(级)市(场) N supermarket (家 jiā) ■ 你经常去哪一家超级市场?Nǐ jīngcháng
qù nǎ yì jiā chāojí shìchǎng? Which supermarket do you often go to?
chāoyuè 超越 [comp: 超 exceed + 越 go beyond] V transcend, surpass
chāo 钞 TRAD 鈔 N paper money 现钞 xiànchāo cash, ready money
chāopiàn 钞票 [modif: 钞 paper money + 票 ticket] N paper money, banknotes (张 zhāng)
cháo 朝¹ V & PREP face; towards, to ■ 中国人的 房子大多朝南。Zhǒngguórén de fángzi dàduō cháo
nán. Chinese people’s houses mostly face the south. (→ Most Chinese houses face south.) ■ 你一
直朝前走十分钟左右, 就到公园了。Nǐ yìzhí cháo qián zǒu shí fēnzhōng zuǒyòu, jiù dào
gōngyuán le. Walk straight ahead for about ten minutes and you’ll reach the park.
cháo 朝² N dynasty 唐朝 Táng cháo the Tang Dynasty
cháodài 朝代 [comp: 朝 dynasty + 代 generation] N dynasty

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