Tuttle Learners of Chinese -English Dictionary

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

cháo 潮 ADJ wet
cháoliú 潮流 N trend, fashion
cháoshī 潮湿 [comp: 潮 wet + 湿 damp] ADJ damp, humid
cháo 嘲 V jeer, mock
cháoxiào 嘲笑 [comp: 嘲 jeer + 笑 laugh] V ridicule, sneer at
cháo 巢 N nest, beehive
cháoxuè 巢穴 [comp: 巢 nest + 穴 cave] N nest, cave, hideout
chǎo 吵 V 1 quarrel ■ 他们夫妻俩又吵了。Tāmen fūqī liǎ yòu chǎo le. The couple quarreled again. 2
make a big noise, be noisy ■ 这间房面对大街, 太吵了。Zhè jiān fáng miànduì dàjiē, tài chǎo
le. This room faces a main street. It’s too noisy.
chǎojià 吵架 V & N quarrel

NOTE:   For “quarrel,” 吵架 chǎojià is    more    commonly    used    than 吵 chǎo,    for example:    ■ 他们夫   妻俩又吵架了。
Tāmen fūqī liǎ yòu chǎojià le. The couple quarreled again.

chǎo 炒 V 1 stir fry, sauté 2 sensationalize, create a commotion 炒股票 chǎo gǔpiào speculate on the stock
chē 车 TRAD 車 N vehicle, traffic (辆 liàng) ■ 我的 车坏了。Wǒ de chē huài le. My car (or bicycle) has
broken down. ■ 路上车很多。Lùshang chē hěn duō. There is lots of traffic on the road. ■ 我 可以
借用你的车吗? Wǒ kěyǐ jièyòng nǐ de chē ma? May I borrow your car (or bicycle)? 开车 kāi chē
drive an automobile / 骑车 qí chē ride a bicycle / 停车场 tíngchēchǎng car park, parking lot / 学车 xué chē
learn to drive / 修车 xiū chē repair a car/bicycle / 修车行 xiū chē háng motor vehicle repair and servicing
chējiān 车间 N workshop (in a factory) ■ 这个 车间有多少工人?Zhège chējiān yǒu duōshǎo
gōngrén? How many workers work in this workshop?
chēkù 车库 [modif: 车 vehicle + 库 storeroom] N garage
chē pái 车牌 N (vehicle) license plate 车牌号 chē pái hào (vehicle) license plate number
chēxiāng 车厢 N carriage (in a train)
chēzhàn 车站 [modif: 车 vehicle + 站 station] N bus stop, coach station, railway station ■ “车站离这
里远不远?”“不远,开车只要十 分钟。”“Chēzhàn lí zhèli yuán bu yuán?” “Bù yuǎn, kāi
chē zhǐyào shí fēnzhōng.” “Is the railway (or bus) station far from here?” “No, it’s only ten
minutes’ drive.” ■ 王先生去车站接朋友了。 Wáng xiānsheng qù chēzhàn jiē péngyou le. Mr
Wang’s gone to the railway (or coach) station to meet a friend. 长途汽车站 chángtú qìchē zhàn coach
station / 出租汽车站 chūzū qìchē zhàn taxi stand / 火车站 huǒchē zhàn railway station
chě 扯 V pull, tear
chè 彻 TRAD 徹 ADJ thorough
chèdǐ 彻底 [comp: 彻 thorough + 底 end, bottom] ADJ thorough, complete ■ 经过彻底调查,确定 这个
地区没有这种病。Jīngguò chèdǐ diàochá, quèdìng zhège dìqū méiyǒu zhè zhǒng bìng. After a
thorough investigation it is confirmed that this region is free from this disease.
chè 撤 V 1 remove 2 withdraw, retreat
chètuì 撤退 [comp: 撤 withdraw + 退 move back] V retreat, withdraw
chèxiāo 撤销 V cancel, revoke
chén 陈 TRAD 陳 I N a common family name II ADJ old, stale III V display
chénjiù 陈旧 [comp: 陈 old + 旧 old] ADJ old-fashioned, out-dated
chénliè 陈列 [comp: 陈 display + 列 line up] V display, exhibit ■ 商店里陈列着最新的电子产 品。
Shāngdiàn lǐ chénliè zhe zuìxīn de diànzǐ chǎnpǐn. Latest electronic products are displayed in the
store. 陈列橱窗 chénliè chúchuāng showcase / 陈列厅 chénliè tīng exhibition hall, show room
chénshù 陈述 V state (one’s views, reasons, etc.)

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