kāipì chéng tèbié jīngjìqū. A special economic zone will be started here.
kāishǐ 开始 [comp: 开 open + 始 begin] V & N begin, commence (ANTONYM 结束 jiéshù); beginning, start ■
我从明年一月一日开始每天跑步半小 时。Wǒ cóng míngnián Yíyuè yírì kāishǐ měi tiān pǎobù
bàn xiǎoshí. I’ll begin jogging half an hour every day from January 1 next year. ■ 开始我觉 得中
文非常难,现在觉得不太难了。Kāishǐ wǒ juéde Zhōngwén fēicháng nán, xiànzài juéde bú tài
nán le. At the beginning I found Chinese very difficult, but now I think it’s not too difficult.
kāishuǐ 开水 N boiled water
kāituò 开拓 V open up
kāi wánxiào 开玩笑 V joke ■ 别开玩笑了!Bié kāi wánxiào le! Stop kidding! ■ 这是很严肃的 事,
你不要开玩笑。Zhè shì hěn yánsù de shì, nǐ bú yào kāi wánxiào. This is a very serious matter.
Don’t joke about it. (→ This is no laughing matter.) 跟/和 ... 开玩笑 gēn/hé ... kāi wánxiào joke with
..., make fun of ... ■ 他常常跟妹妹开玩笑。 Tā chángcháng gēn mèimei kāi wánxiào. He often
jokes with his younger sister.
kāi yèchē 开夜车 burn the midnight oil ■ 明天 要交作业,今天晚上我得开夜车。Míngtiān yào jiāo
zuòyè, jīntiān wǎnshang wǒ děi kāi yèchē. I must hand in my assignment tomorrow. I’ll have to
burn the midnight oil tonight.
kāixué 开学 [v+obj: 开 open + 学 school] V start (school) ■ 中国的学校一般九月一日开学。你们国
家的学校哪一天开学?Zhōngguó de xuéxiào yìbān Jiǔyuè yírì kāixué. Nǐmen guójiā de xuéxiào
nǎ yì tiān kāixué? Schools in China usually start on September 1. On which day does school begin
in your country?
kāiyǎn 开演 [v+obj: 开 open + 演 performance] V start (a performance, a film, etc.) ■ 电影什么时 候开
演?Diànyǐng shénme shíhou kāiyǎn? When does the film start?
kāizhǎn 开展 [comp: 开 open up + 展 fold] V launch, develop, expand ■ 他一当上经理,就积极 开展
业务。Tā yì dāngshang jīnglǐ, jiù jījí kāizhǎn yèwù. As soon as he became manager, he actively
expanded the business.
kāizhī 开支 I V pay II N expenditure, expenses 日常家用开支 rìcháng jiāyòng kāizhī daily household expenses
kān 刊 V publish
kāndēng 刊登 V publish (in a newspaper, magazine, etc.)
kānwù 刊物 [modif: 刊 publish + 物 things] N periodical, journal, magazine
kān 勘 V survey
kāntàn 勘探 V & N explore, prospect (for mineral resouces); prospecting, exploration 石油勘探队 shíyóu
kāntànduì oil prospecting team
kǎn kǎn ér tán 侃侃而谈 IDIOM speak with great ease and confidence
kǎn 砍 V chop, hack ■ 这棵树要砍掉。Zhè kē shù yào kǎndiào. This tree should be chopped down.
kǎnfá 砍伐 V fell trees, limber
kàn 看 V 1 look, see ■ 我看看你的新衣服。Wǒ kànkan nǐ de xīn yīfu. Let me have a look at your new
dress. 2 watch (TV, a movie, etc.) 3 read ■“你每天看报吗?”“我不每天看报。”“Nǐ měi tiān
kàn bào ma?” “Wǒ bù měi tiān kàn bào.” “Do you read newspapers every day?” “No.” 看电视 kàn
diànshì watch TV / 看电影 kàn diànyǐng watch a film / 看体育比赛 kàn tǐyù bǐsài watch a sport event
NOTE: See note on 看见 kànjiàn.
kànbìng 看病 [v+obj: 看 see + 病 illness] V see a doctor ■ 我下午要请半天假,去看病。Wǒ xiàwǔ
yào qǐng bàn tiān jià, qù kànbìng. I’ll ask for half-day leave to see a doctor this afternoon.
kànbuqǐ 看不起 V look down upon, despise ■ 我 看不起这种不老实的人。Wǒ kànbuqǐ zhè zhǒng bù
lǎoshí de rén. I despise such dishonest people. 看得起 kàndeqǐ respect, hold in esteem
kàndài 看待 V look on, regard, treat
kànfǎ 看法 [modif: 看 view + 法 way, method] N 1 way of looking at things, view ■ 你的看法不一 定
对。Nǐ de kànfǎ bù yídìng duì. Your view is not necessarily correct. 2 negative opinion ■ 他对我
有看法。Tā duì wǒ yǒu kànfǎ. He has a negative opinion of me.