luàn 乱 TRAD 亂 ADJ 1 disorderly, chaotic (ANTONYM 整齐 zhěngqí) ■ 我的房间很乱,要收拾一下。Wǒ
de fángjiān hěn luàn, yào shōushi yíxià. My room is in a mess and needs tidying up. 2 at will,
random ■ 他总是乱花钱。Tā zǒngshì luàn huā qián. He always spends money unwisely. (→ He
always wastes his money.) ■ 你别乱说。Nǐ bié luànshuō. Do not talk irresponsibly.
lüè 掠 V plunder
lüèduó 掠夺 [comp: 掠 plunder + 夺 grab] V plunder, rob
lüè 略 V capture
lüèwēi 略微 ADJ slightly, a little, somewhat
lún 轮 TRAD 輪 N wheel
lúnchuán 轮船 [modif: 轮 wheel + 船 boat, ship] N steamship, ship ■ 现在很少人坐轮船旅 行。
Xiànzài hěn shǎo rén zuò lúnchuán lǚxíng. Few people travel by ship now.
lúnkuò 轮廓 N outline, contour
lúnliú 轮流 V take turns 轮流值班 lúnliú zhíbān be on duty by turns
lúntāi 轮胎 N tyre
lùn 论 TRAD 論 V discuss
lùntán 论坛 N forum
lùnwén 论文 [comp: 论 treatise + 文 essay] N dissertation, thesis, essay (篇 piān) ■ 张教授发 表了多
篇关于中国历史的论文。Zhāng jiàoshòu fābiǎole duō piān guānyú Zhōngguó lìshǐ de lùnwén.
Professor Zhang has published several theses on Chinese history.
lùnzhèng 论证 [comp: 论 argue + 证 prove] V prove (an argument), demonstrate, discuss
luō TRAD 囉 as in 啰唆 luōsuō
luōsuō 唆 ADJ long-winded, wordy, verbose
luó 逻 TRAD 邏 V patrol (See xúnluó 巡逻.)
luójì 逻辑 N logic 不合逻辑 bù hé luójì illogical / 合乎逻辑 héhu luójì logical
NOTE: luójì 逻辑 is a transliteration from the English word “logic.” See note on 咖啡 kāfēi.
luósīdīng 螺丝钉 N screw
luó 萝 TRAD 蘿 N trailing plant
luóbo 萝卜 N turnip, radish, carrot (根 gēn, 个 gè) ■ 咱们做个萝卜汤吧。Zánmen zuò ge luóbo tāng
ba. Let’s prepare turnip soup. 白萝卜 bái luóbo turnip / 红萝卜 hóng luóbo radish / 胡萝卜 hú luóbo carrot
luò 络 TRAD 絡 N net
luòyì bù jué 络绎不绝 V in an endless stream, endless
luò 落 V fall, drop ■ 秋天,树叶落了。Qiūtiān, shùyè luò le. In autumn, leaves fall.
luòchéng 落成 V (of a building or engineering project) be completed
luòhòu 落后 ADJ backward, outdated ■ 你这种观 点太落后了。Nǐ zhè zhǒng guāndiǎn tài luòhòu le.
Your views are outdated.
luòshí 落实 V (of a policy or idea) be implemented, be fulfilled