Tuttle Learners of Chinese -English Dictionary

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

A Guide for Learners of Chinese

This dictionary is for learners of Chinese as a foreign or second language. It is designed to be a
teaching/learning aid to the growing communities of teaching and learning the language. More
specifically, this dictionary aims to help those learners who wish to sit for the New Chinese Proficiency

Test (New HSK 新汉语水平考试), the Chinese government-sponsored, international standardized

test, as it gives detailed treatment of all the 5,000 words in the prescribed Word Lists from Level 1 to
Level 6. A further 1,000 very useful words are covered in the dictionary to allow for flexibility of the
vocabulary requirement of the HSK.

In the following pages I offer the essentials of the Chinese language and, along the way, advice on how to
make the best use of this dictionary.

1 PronunciaTion

1.1 The Pinyin  romanization    System
The pronunciation of Chinese words is transcribed in this dictionary using the internationally
recognized Chinese romanization scheme called pinyin. Every Chinese word in this dictionary is
accompanied by its pinyin spelling so users will know how it is pronounced.
Pronouncing Chinese syllables normally involves three elements: vowels, consonants and tones.
Modern standard Chinese, known as Putonghua, uses about 419 syllables without tones and 1,
syllables with tones.

1.2 Vowels
1.2.1 Single Vowels
There are seven basic single vowels:
a similar to a in ah
e similar to a in ago
ê similar to e in ebb (this sound never occurs alone and is transcribed as e, as in ei, ie, ue
i similar to ee in cheese (spelled y when not preceded by a consonant)
o similar to oe in toe
u similar to oo in boot (spelled w when not preceded by a consonant)


similar to  German ü in über or French u in tu; or  you can also    get ü by    saying i and    rounding
your lips at the same time (spelled u after j, q, x; spelled yu when not preceded by a

1.2.2   Vowel   combinations
These single vowels enter into combinations with each other or the consonants of n or ng to form
what are technically known as diphthongs. These combinations are pronounced as a single sound,
with a little more emphasis on the first part of the sound.
You can learn these combinations in four groups:
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