Persuasive Communication - How Audiences Decide. 2nd Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Aids to Audience Decision Making 151

a space of 3 points is preferred. Type that is set solid has a dense appearance (see Figure 4.2), like

the type in many contracts and credit card agreements. Although readers dislike type that is set

solid,^36 they also dislike type with too much space between the lines. However, an added blank line

between paragraphs or between bullet points on slides and a blank space between columns of type

can actually increase legibility.^37

Unjustifi ed Right Margins

Text with unjustifi ed right margins, or ragged edges, in documents or on presentation slides can

be more legible than right-justifi ed text that forms a straight margin down the right-hand side.

In a study conducted at NASA, 61% of the readers surveyed preferred unjustifi ed right margins

to justifi ed margins when reading technical reports.^38 A study of text presented online fi nds that

unjustifi ed right margins can increase online reading speed by 10%.^39 However, several other studies

of adult readers fi nd that justifi ed and unjustifi ed texts are read at similar speeds and with the same

level of comprehension.^40

Short, Familiar Words

Whether spoken or written, some words are more easily perceived and recognized than others. Eas-

ily perceived and recognized words include short words, high-frequency words, personal pronouns,

concrete words, and words that are easy to pronounce.^41 Long, diffi cult to understand, and less

frequently used words take longer to recognize^42 and are harder to remember.^43

Semantic variables can also influence word recognition. For example, animate nouns

such as investors are easier to process and recall than inanimate nouns such as investments.^44

A review of the psycholinguistic research concludes that the key to word difficulty in isola-

tion lies not in word frequency but in the semantic variables of animateness, affirmativeness,

and concreteness.^45

Visible Speakers

Listeners’ perception of speech involves sensing and recognizing both phonemes and complete

words. Speakers who allow listeners to see their faces make it easier for listeners to recognize

their words, especially in a noisy room.^46 Familiarity with a speaker’s face also facilitates speech

recognition, even for audience members with no hearing defi cits.^47 In addition, when listeners

are able to see a speaker’s head movements, which are strongly correlated with the pitch and

amplitude, or loudness, of the speaker’s voice, they can more easily recognize the speaker’s words

and syllables.^48

FIGURE 4.2 A Paragraph Set Solid

Reading audiences read faster when text has 1 to 4 points of leading, or space
between the lines, than when the type is set solid—when no space is
inserted between the lines.^35 For a 10-point type size, D VSDFH RI  SRLQWV LV
SUHIHUUHG. Type that is set solid has a dense appearance, like the type in
many contractsandcreditcardagreements. $OWKRXJK UHDGHUV disliketypethat
is setsolid^36  WKH\ also dislike type with too much space between the lines.
However, an added blank line between paragraphs or between bullet points on
slides and a blank space between columns of type can actually increase legibility.^37
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