Persuasive Communication - How Audiences Decide. 2nd Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

172 Understanding Rational Decision Making

decisions when the layout of a text makes the more important pieces of information in it more

attention getting.^288

The think-aloud remarks in Table 4.3, made by three experts whose comments we saw in

Chapters 1 and 2 , reveal the importance of task-based organization. All three experts express their

frustration with the organization of the documents they are reading. Notice that the investor and

the partner in the private equity fi rm do not wait until they run across the information they expect

to be delivered, but immediately start thumbing through the long documents they have been given

until they discover it.

Many documents and presentations are topic based as opposed to task based. Topic-based docu-

ments and presentations are organized around the concepts the communicator thinks are important

instead of the sequence in which the audience needs information to be presented. Topic-based

documents and presentations create problems for audiences who try to use them to perform spe-

cifi c tasks such as make a decision or follow a set of instructions. In a study of readers’ diffi culties

with topic-based organization, three experts read a topic-based federal regulation about eligibility

for Small Business Association grants and thought aloud as they read. It so happened that one of the

experts tried to use the information in the regulation to determine her own business’s eligibility for

a grant. During the experiment she actively searched for the information she needed. The other

two experts simply followed the organization of the regulation as they read and interpreted it. The

expert who actively searched for information that would help her decide if she were eligible for a

grant made many more negative comments about the organization of the regulation and about the

diffi culty of her search process than the other two experts. In fact, 50 of her 200 comments were

complaints about the organization of the regulation.^289

The two versions of the instructions on the following pages illustrate the difference between

topic-based and task-based organization. Both versions describe the fi ve steps soldiers must take if

they are to respond quickly and effectively to chemical, biological, or radioactive attacks. However,

one would expect the effectiveness of the two versions to vary considerably if soldiers were to use

them to respond to an actual attack.

A careful reading of the original, topic-based instructions on p. 173 reveals that the fi rst step is

not mentioned until Sentence 10, toward the end of the long, 14-sentence paragraph. The fi nal step

TABLE 4.3 Expert Audiences Expect Information to Be Presented in a Specifi c Order

Expert investor reading the original Smartphone MBA business plan

  1. When I read these things I like to start off with the people involved. Is there anything in here about
    the background of the guy who is going to be the General Partner? <The investor then fi nds the General
    Partner’s résumé in an appendix.> Oh, here he is.

Partner in a private equity fi rm reading the acquisition plan for a textile manufacturer

  1. What I usually like to see is a snapshot of the company, which it doesn’t appear that they have. Just the company’s
    fi nancials, their sales, operating income at least, those two things, at least for the last three years. Depreciation
    and capital expenditures... some things to give an idea of cash fl ows. They make you fl ip to the back to look
    through the numbers, which I will do now.

Experienced board member reading the strategic plan from General Motors

  1. Under “Most Relevant Competitors,” they’ve listed their own and the three major competitors’ vehicle
    sales growth, three-year average, the three-year profi tability, and market share. Again it’s just a listing of data
    with no insights. My sense of a good strategic plan is that what one begins with is this data. One does not
    present data like this as a summary.

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