Persuasive Communication - How Audiences Decide. 2nd Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Aids to Audience Decision Making 173

is mentioned in Sentence 2 near the beginning. The second step is spread throughout the paragraph

in Sentences 1, 3, 8, 9, 12, 13, and 14. The student revision on pp. 173–174 reorganizes the fi ve steps

in a task-based manner. It adds a section heading to each step. The revision also uses other tech-

niques mentioned in this chapter—11 point and larger type sizes, moderate line length, a captioned

image, ample white space, personally relevant information, explicit language, short words and sen-

tences, active voice, parallel sentence construction, and a schema-activating title—all of which make

it easier for the reader to perceive, attend to, comprehend, and ultimately follow the instructions.



(Source: Kern et al. 1977)

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