Persuasive Communication - How Audiences Decide. 2nd Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. I don’t know why they’re using
    a sales multiple of fi ve times instead
    of an operating multiple and adjusted
    cash fl ow. They don’t tell you what
    they’re adjusting cash fl ow for. So
    based on who knows why they’re getting
    an IRR of 38.9% (which is acceptable),
    but who knows what it’s based on. This
    year their margins are up to two million
    seven. I’m fi guring you could sell it
    for say seven times that. That’s about
    17 million dollars and they’re putting in
    7 million in debt and 1.5 in equity. So
    that would make a decent return, but not
    38.9% that they claimed.

  2. They think they know what fair
    value the company has, and they think
    they’re getting a very good price for it.
    But there is nothing in here that really
    tells me that. Nothing tells me the
    rationale for the price.

  3. If this was any one of my
    partnerships, I’d be on the phone
    telling them this is a piece of trash.
    12. Book value per share is only $5.60. And
    they’re recommending $150 value for this
    company. I don’t know about that.
    26. They don’t tell me why the current market
    only values it at seven times its earnings.
    Obviously some investors have different views.
    27. Then they give me an Estimated Segment
    Earnings Model. If I was really knowledgeable in
    the industry that might interest me, but probably
    all I really care about is the bottom line, which is
    operating income, interest expense, pretax income,
    etc. and would probably just prefer a note that
    says if I want further information, contact my
    account representative.
    50. Okay, a question that keeps coming back to
    my mind is that this is obviously a very cyclical
    industry. I take it that they’re building their price
    estimates up to 21 P/E based on the fact that the
    industry is expanding. My question is, however,
    are investors going to buy that?

Risks and

  1. Murray and Robins are the
    managing partners, so they have the
    liability, everybody else is limited

  2. I’m kind of wondering at this
    point why they don’t say anything
    about the bankruptcy. This gives
    background information, which
    you have to read to fi nd out where
    the company is coming from. But
    they’re leaving out the most important
    information of all. Why did the
    company go down the tubes in the last
    three years?
    40. So the fi rm’s profi tability is very sensitive to the
    chlorine open market price, for which I see no future
    estimates. If I were these guys, I’d surely want to
    make sure you were in bed with Georgia Pacifi c. But
    if GP goes down.... I don’t see any future analysis
    of GP’s market, who is their big buyer.
    41. So 50% of this company’s earnings appear to
    be tied to one industry, the paper industry. I’m
    not sure what that says about the future from
    what they’re telling me.
    56. One of the things they haven’t talked about
    is liability. When you manufacture and sell
    chemicals, you have to consider any liabilities,
    environmental suits, etc. they may face.

qualifi cations

  1. The two guys who are managing
    partners were with the Highland
    Company when the Highland
    Company bought it, so they’re familiar
    with the business.

[Note: No mention was made of management
qualifi cations in the report or by the investor.]

strategy and
action plan

  1. I want them to tell me “We’ve
    had experience with this company in
    the past and there are two key things
    we need to do to turn this company
    around, and how we’re going to do it.”
    Something like, “We can cut costs by
    doing this, and we can increase sales by
    doing this.”

  2. If it’s the competition that is the
    problem, then what are they going to
    do about it? They didn’t talk about the
    future at all.
    46. But I still don’t see what these guys’ big
    advantage is.
    51. I don’t see a good analysis of how these guys
    fi t into the industry, and the industry’s movements
    63. One of the questions that kept coming back to
    my mind, is where is DuPont? Where are some of
    the other companies in this industry?
    64. My gut reaction is, I don’t understand why
    these guys are better than buying Dow Chemical
    or anybody else, and therefore I probably would not
    invest in them.
    65. This report is very lengthy. I don’t need to know or
    care how they make these chemicals. What I want to
    know is: “Is it profi table? Why is it profi table? What
    are their advantages?” If it’s important to be technical
    because they have an advantage in a certain process,
    that’s fi ne. But if they make it the same way everybody
    else does, I really don’t care.

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