The Economist - The World in 2021 - USA (2020-11-24)

(Antfer) #1

This crisis has reminded us that life is fragile. That realisation should lead us to do
everything we can to preserve it. That means protecting our environment to keep
everyone in good health; fighting pollution to ensure the air in our cities is clean;
reaching out to the most vulnerable among us, because the epidemic has shown us how
our destinies are intertwined; and letting citizens create and develop solutions for a
future that allows everyone to live better. We need each other and the key is what we
have in common.

What I have witnessed during these weeks will mark me for the rest of my life. I saw the
energy, creativity and solidarity of thousands of citizens, who are the city’s lifeblood. We
must not allow this energy to be lost. We must not let our creativity fade, nor let this
solidarity disappear.

We must draw inspiration from the strength of all Parisians and as a city commit
ourselves with the same determination. We must trust our citizens, provide them with
the means to express themselves democratically, to create with us the city of tomorrow
and set about building it with their own hands. Every time we put our faith in them, they
come up with solid, local solutions.

We put our trust in restaurant owners to extend their terrace areas and they made the
city more attractive and kept their neighbourhoods vibrant. We trusted Parisians by
opening new cycle lanes, and with their bikes they are bringing this transformation to
life. We must trust everyone around the world who loves Paris in order to bring the City
of Light back to its true splendour. I am sure they will be up for the challenge.

The world in 2021 may not be quite the same as it was before, but it will be open to the
future. In that world, culture will play a central role. The environment will be the
driving force for the changes ahead. And solidarity between people and regions will be
the foundation of this new ecological pact for the preservation of humanity.

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