The Economist - The World in 2021 - USA (2020-11-24)

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Shock to the system

Lynn Jurich: co-founder and CEO, Sunrun

Large-scale electrification would create lots of jobs

IN 2021, AS we look for solutions to the immediate crisis caused by the

pandemic, and to the longer-term challenge of climate change, new technology

offers a shining opportunity. Embracing the new generation of electrification

technologies, powered by renewable energy, will help us decarbonise the

economy while creating millions of new, local and non-exportable jobs. In

America, where renewable energy has abundant space to grow, we will ditch

the idea that a sustainable future means sacrificing, or weakening, America’s

global position. With the right technology, we can still have our big cars,

homes and air-conditioning. A zero-carbon future is realistic, and it starts in

the home.

The energy sector, including electricity and heating, transport and manufacturing,
accounts for two-thirds of global carbon emissions. Electrification powered by
renewable sources is the solution. In 2021 more communities will institute building-

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