Cloud Computing & Tricks and Tips - UK - Edition 04 (2020)

(Antfer) #1

The ability to work together on a single project, wherever you are in the world, is what

communications technology was originally designed for; consider John McCarthy’s concepts

from the 50s. Finding the right tool for the right job though requires some research.

There are countless cloud collaboration services available, which can be quite bewildering. Here are ten proven
business solutions, to help you fine-tune your choice of provider.


Team Collaboration

Cloud Examples

One of the more popular
cloud collaborations services
available for businesses is
from Dropbox. With companies such as National Geographic,
University of Cambridge, AA and more, the service is designed
to scale and grow as your collaboration with others does.


Citrix has a long history of
working with collaboration
services. The company’s
newest cloud-based resource is ShareFile and it provides a
simple, secure way to collaborate with teams all around

the world.


Huddle  offers  a   secure  cloud   collaboration
service for customers such as the
Department for Work and Pensions, NHS and
the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Files, tasks and
team communications are all handled easily and can deliver
exceptional results for your business.


Aside   from    offering
a complete cloud
solution for the
home user, Google’s apps also cater for the business user. The
collaboration tools are the same as what’s on offer for free,
however a business can demand more content, space and
unique customisations.


Cloud for Business

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