Cloud Computing & Tricks and Tips - UK - Edition 04 (2020)

(Antfer) #1

Public clouds are the standard cloud model, whereby a service provider makes its resources

available openly to the public and multiple clients over the Internet, hence a public cloud.

Google Drive, Microsoft Office 365 and so on are all examples of a public cloud.

So what are the benefits of using public cloud computing over traditional setups, private or hybrid clouds? Let’s have
a look at what the public cloud model has to offer the SMB user.


Public Cloud Benefits

One of the main benefits that
the public cloud offers is that it’s
decidedly cheaper for an SMB to
setup over buying dedicated, in-house hardware, software and
everything else. Public cloud servers and space are rented
and therefore you only pay for what you use. Plus the initial
investment is very low, or even zero in some examples.


To expand the Pay
as You Go benefit, if
you’re considering
using a traditionally installed server, together with other
hardware, then you also need to factor in climate control for
that server, upkeep and possibly its own dedicated server room.
The costs soon mount up, whereas using a public cloud cuts out
everything associated with locally installed hardware.


As  your    company grows   so  will    its
need for more data storage, more
user licenses and more infrastructure.
Again, this is a financial impact as well as costing time for the
technical staff to set up when using an in-house approach.
Using a public cloud offers elasticity and scalability for the SMB
user with limited interruption and less cost.


Although    there   are instances   of  security
breaches in public cloud services, they
are far less than the documented security
breaches when using an in-house setup. Security is handled
by the cloud service provider, to some extent protecting you
against the fallout from a security breach.


Cloud for Business

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