Apple Magazine - USA - Issue 475 (2020-12-04)

(Antfer) #1

Though it was always Apple’s intention
to create leaner, faster machines when it
transitioned to its own custom chip, even
Craig Federighi revealed he was shocked when
benchmarks were revealed. M1 takes the Mac
in a whole new direction, revolutionizing
computing once again.


It’s not an overstatement to suggest that M1
has changed the computing game. For years, it
has been iPhones and Apple Watches that have
pushed boundaries in terms of performance
and specifications, and though the iPhone 12
and Apple Watch Series 6 are industry-leading
in their own rights, the truth is that innovation
has slowed greatly. And one area where Apple
has rested on its laurels, releasing half-baked
year-over-year updates to devices with very
few changes along the way, is its Mac family.

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