Apple Magazine - USA - Issue 475 (2020-12-04)

(Antfer) #1

When Apple announced back at WWDC that
it was to drop Intel and move over to its own
custom chips, consumers’ and technology critics’
interests were piqued, but few expected the
huge breakthroughs in computing performance.

Indeed, many were skeptical over the potential
of Silicon; The Verge called it a “big gamble,”
saying that Intel has succeeded in meeting
Apple’s goals of power and performance. There’s
no denying that the move to M1 puts the Mac
into uncharted territory, making it difficult for
developers to create software for both Intel-
based and M1-based Macs in the short-term, but
as Apple’s roadmap continues (the company will
complete its transition to Apple Silicon by 2022,
with all new Macs sold available exclusively
with Apple’s custom chips) the future looks

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