Apple Magazine - USA - Issue 475 (2020-12-04)

(Antfer) #1

designed for those tasks. Thus, Mac can do much
more with significantly less RAM than others,
unlocking serious opportunities.

Apple has come into its own with its software
development, too, releasing Rosetta 2 which is a
transition layer for running legacy applications
on the M1 chip. Advanced optimization has
allowed apps that weren’t designed with M1
in mind to run faster than they would on Intel
Macs, and the most exciting thing about that is
that companies including Google are already
developing apps specifically for M1, offering
significantly faster speeds than translated
apps. Combining cutting-edge hardware and
software has allowed Apple to create a range of
$999 MacBook Airs that outperform maxed-out
$6,000 MacBook Pros with more RAM and the
best chip in the industry, and without a fan. Who
knows where we go next?


Apple’s PR team has always been generous
when it comes to the performance and
battery life; this year, the firm said M1-based
Macs have twice the battery life of their
predecessors. But it’s true: according to
independent tests from technology giants like
Tom’s Guide, Apple has been able to build a
new chip architecture that delivers cutting-
edge performance without power drain. In
their independent test, it took more than 14
and a half hours of web browsing with 150
nits of brightness to drain the new MacBook
Air, beating the previous record-holder by
more than 40 minutes (Apple’s 2015 13-inch
MacBook Pro held the top spot previously). Their
comparisons didn’t end there: the 2020 13-inch

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