Public Speaking Handbook

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

224 10.2 IntroducIng Your Speech

earlier speech to yours. Here is an example of an introduction delivered by a
fast-thinking student speaker under those circumstances:
When Juli talked to us about her experiences as a lifeguard, she stressed
that the job was not as glamorous as many of us imagine. Today I
want to tell you about another job that appears to be more glamorous
than it is—a job that I have held for two years. I am a bartender at the
As you plan your introduction, remember that any combination of the meth-
ods just discussed is possible. With a little practice, you will become confident at
choosing from several good possibilities as you prepare your introduction.

Quick check

Effective Introductions
• use an illustration or anecdote.
• present startling facts or statistics.
• use an appropriate quotation.
• use humor.
• Begin with a rhetorical question.
• refer to historical events.
• refer to recent events.
• use personal references.
• refer to the occasion.
• refer to preceding speeches.

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