252 ChAPTER 12^ stUdy gUide
Think about These Questions
• Some colleges and universities offer a hybrid communication course that
provides instruction and practice in both writing and speaking. If enrolled
in such a course and given the assignment to use the same topic, central
idea, main idea, and supporting material to develop both a 750word paper
and a three to fiveminute speech, how should the paper and the speech
• A friend asks for advice on making the word choice in her speech as effec
tive as possible. Offer her at least three suggestions, based on this chapter,
for using words effectively.
• In recent years, people have become increasingly conscious of the ways in
which our language gives the impression that we are referring only to men
when it is more appropriate to refer to both men and women. Has political
correctness gotten out of hand? Are we becoming too sensitive to gender
issues in our public dialogue? Or are we not sensitive enough? Explain
your answer.
• Louis Howe, an aide to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, is now thought to
have written the famous line from Roosevelt’s first inaugural address: “The
only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Is it ethical to credit Roosevelt with
this line? Why or why not?