Public Speaking Handbook

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Discuss with classmates or write your answers to these questions
as you study this section.

Chapter 13 Delivering Your Speech

  1. In your own words, describe why the nonverbal elements of speech delivery are

  2. Which of the physical characteristics described in the chapter—eye contact, gesturing,
    movement, posture, or facial expression—are you confident you can use effectively?
    Which one(s) are most challenging for you? Which of the tips in this chapter do you plan
    to use to help you overcome your challenges?

  3. Based on emotional contagion theory, described in this chapter, what elements of your
    delivery can you adapt if listeners do not seem to be “catching” the emotional message
    you want to communicate?

Chapter 14 Designing and Using Presentation Aids

  1. List in your own words five ways presentation aids can help members of your audience.

  2. Summarize in your own words this chapter's four guidelines on how to develop effec-
    tive presentation aids.

  3. What is the least effective use of presentation aids you've witnessed? Based on this
    chapter, what advice would you give to that speaker to help improve his or her use of
    presentation aids?

Delivering a Speech Chapters 13-14


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