286 ChAPTer 13 STuDY guiDe
13.4 use strategies for adapting your delivery when speaking to diverse
Consult with other speakers familiar with your audience to help you avoid eth-
nocentrism. Consider using a more suitable delivery style with high-context
audiences, and match immediacy and emotional expression to the cultural ex-
pectations of the majority of listeners. Learn variations in meanings of nonverbal
gestures across cultures to avoid giving offense.
13.5 describe the steps to follow when you rehearse your speech.
Allow at least two days after finishing your speech outline to practice your
speech delivery and develop your speaking notes. As much as possible, re-create
the speech environment when you rehearse. Rehearse your speech while keep-
ing your audience in mind; imagine that your audience is in front of you as you
practice presenting your message.
13.6 list four suggestions for enhancing the final delivery of your speech.
Get a good night’s rest before a speech. Visualize your success and reinforce
your confidence using the suggestions from Chapter 2 of this book. Arrive early
so that you have time to prepare the speaking environment and are not stressed
by running late.
13.7 explain and use strategies for responding to questions from your
audience at the end of your speech.
Prepare for Q & A and be ready to ask the first question yourself. Listen non-
judgmentally and repeat or rephrase questions. Respond briefly and to the
whole audience. Use strategies described in this chapter to neutralize hostile
questions and bring off-topic questions back to your message. Admit it when
you don’t know an answer. Use organized signposts to clarify answers and to
signal the end of Q & A.
Think about These Questions
• Roger was so nervous about his first speech that he practiced it again and
again. He could have given the speech in his sleep. He had some great
examples, and his instructor had praised his outline. But as he gave his
speech, he saw his classmates tuning out. What might he have done wrong,
and how could he have rescued his speech?
• Monique is self-conscious about her hand gestures, and she often just puts
her hands behind her back. What advice would you give Monique to help
her use gestures more effectively?
• Most politicians at the state or national level hire image consultants to help
them project the most positive impression of their skills and abilities. Is it
ethical to use such consultants, especially when their sole objective is to